Save Money by Drafting Your Own Legal Documents

Sometimes starting a business can seem daunting when the realization of the cost hits. You won’t let that stop you though. You’re moving forward because that’s what entrepreneurs do! You’ve probably done the research and know you’ll need a good attorney in your corner.

When we think of having an attorney it may seem scary. After all, we don’t plan to need one do we? While it is good to have an attorney in your corner for conflict resolution, it is advised that you have a lawyer draft company agreements as well. This can get expensive depending on how extensive your project turns out to be and how long it takes to complete. The majority of lawyers charge an hourly fee for their time usually exceeding $120/hr., not to mention a retainer, and most project proposals will be estimates.

Without knowing the exact amount of time it will take to complete each of your documents; and possibly being on a tight budget, LawDepot can be a big help. If you find the right document for you, try drafting your documents on the LawDepot platform and have an attorney review and improve the document.

LawDepot offers over 150 document templates suitable for use in all 50 states. Whether you’re interested in protecting your estate, lending money, managing a rental property, or setting up a business, you can create and customize your own legal documents and contracts.

LawDepot offers an all-access one-week free trial, which renews at $33.00 a month. A single LawDepot document can cost between $7.50 and $39.00. LawDepot also offers a One Year Pro license, which costs $95.88 a year.

Drafting your own document should cut down on the hours needed with the attorney- saving you a few dollars ;).

You’re a go-getter. Go get it.


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